Saturday, October 15, 2022

Quarantine Stories Part 24

A friend of mine traveled to Australia recently. I asked her if she could bring me some Tim Tams and she said she could. I checked the Arnott's website and looked for flavors that aren't available in the Philippines. I saw several that I was interested in and my friend very graciously got everything in my list for me. I ended up with 7 packs of chocolate biscuits. My favorite was the Decadent Triple Choc and I also really enjoyed the Dark Choc Raspberry and the Salted Caramel Brownie. I didn't really like the others I got - Murray River Salted Caramel, Butterscotch & Cream Flavour, Chewy Caramel, and Royals Milk Chocolate. If I have another friend who visits Australia, I now know exactly which flavors to ask for.

A variety of Arnott's biscuits from Australia

In my most recent board game night, I got to teach Rococo to my friends. Up until then, I was the only one in that group who had Rococo and who had played it before. The version I used to play was the original print but I now own a copy of the Rococo Deluxe Plus, which I got as a Christmas gift for myself last year haha. I remember loving this game years ago and after play it again, I confirm that this is really one of my favorite board games of all time. Plus, the new version is really beautiful!

Rococo Deluxe

We also celebrated Niki's birthday during our board game night. I volunteered to bring the cake and I decided to order a whole Tropical Vanilla cake from Dylan Patisserie. I really enjoyed it when I had it weeks before so I thought my friends would enjoy it too. (I believe they did.)

Tropical Vanilla cake from Dylan Patisserie

I have a new source of decaffeinated coffee: Tim Horton's. Normally, I buy decaf at the supermarket and in a recent grocery run, I needed to buy more decaf because my stash at home was almost fully consumed. However, the supermarket didn't have any stock at that time. I then remembered seeing decaf at Tim Horton's so I made my way to one of their shops and got myself a 400g bag that cost P600. I did the math and it turns out that their decaf is cheaper than the one that I used to get so I decided to make Tim Horton's my new official source.

Tim Horton's Decaf Coffee

Finally, I completed my annual health exam last month. It's the first one I've had in more than 2 years. As expected, I'm nowhere near as healthy as I used to be after gaining weight during the pandemic and eating a lot more sugar. I now need to eat better and to exercise more. Thankfully, my Fitbit tells me that I am covering huge distances each week. That's definitely a step in the right direction (pun intended).

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