Friday, April 19, 2019

Gaming in the new year

Over the last few months, I've gotten to join and even organize a handful of board and tabletop game nights. These game nights allowed me to play a few new games and re-experience some that I had played only once before.
I got a Bagani Card Game for Christmas last year and I finally got to play it. It's like Ticket to Ride in terms of how you build your hand and play your cards and a bit like Legendary in terms of how you battle the monsters. Game play is pretty fast (maybe around 15 to 20 minutes per game) and it's easy enough to teach. It's simple enough for newbies but it has enough complexity to make it entertaining even for experienced gamers. I really had a lot of fun playing this game.

Bagani: The Card Game

I also finally got to play my Mint Works. While I had played it once before, I hadn't played my own game. My Mint Delivery has also been played in one of our game nights but it was my friends who played it since I was immersed in another game when they decided to give it a try. Another new game I got to try was Villainous, where different villains from Disney films - Maleficent, Ursula, Jafar, The Queen of Hearts, Captain Hook, and Prince John - all attempt to become the most villainous character in the Disney World. It's pretty cool!

I also got to play two games that I played only once before and really enjoyed: Tzolk'in and Castles of Burgundy. Tzolk'in is incredible for two reasons: it has a really beautiful board and it has a very unique dynamic worker placement mechanic. I'm tempted to get my own Tzolk'in but I'm afraid I might not be able to explain this game well enough to other people LOL. Castles of Burgundy is also worker placement but it involves dice rolls. Normally, I'm not a fan of games that involve rolling dice since I don't like relying too heavily on the luck of the roll but Castles of Burgundy is an exception. In this most recent attempt at Castles of Burgundy, I did really well - I almost filled my board (I completed all areas except the blue section) and I ended up with 233 points which put me in first place. Cool!

Castles of Burgundy

I am also really happy that I finally got to play Agricola again. This is one of the first board games I learned but I last played it about 8 years ago. Katco had been wanting to play this game with us for a while, so when I organized a game night last March and she said she could join, I told her to bring her Agricola. We ended up playing it twice that night and it reminded me how much I enjoy this game.

What's interesting is that I have three game nights coming up in three weeks. In one of them, I will be playing a few or my expansion games that I hadn't played before. I am definitely looking forward to that.

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