Monday, July 05, 2021

Dan Castallaneta, the Voice of Homer Simpson

I'm not particularly sure how the YouTube algorithm works or whether I had been watching a lot of similar or related videos but a clip of Dan Castallaneta, the voice actor of Homer Simpson, being interviewed by Conan O'Brien popped up as a video I might be interested in. I was, so I watched it. And I'm thankful I did. Dan also voices a lot of other characters on The Simpsons, including Grandpa, Krusty the Clown, Barney, Groundskeeper Willy, and the Mayor. Seeing the voice actor in person and hearing him do all the different voices is incredible as it is but seeing him do all that while being witty and funny and in character makes this interview pretty special.

video uploaded in YouTube by Team Coco

(There's a more complete version of this on YouTube, which includes Dan being introduced by Conan. I chose to share the video above because the quality is better.)

There's a whole treasure trove of interviews with incredibly talented and amazing voice actors from The Simpsons. If you're a fan of the show, you can easily spend hours digging them up on YouTube.

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