Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Three Weeks, Three Dinners

Over the last few weeks, I got to meet up with some really good friends for dinner. The first ones were my ex-colleagues from my second job. Amy, John, and their kids were in Manila for a few weeks so we had dinner with them in Little Flour. Me-ann organized the evening and it turned into a mini-reunion because I also got to hang out with Romi and Mike for the first time in a really long time. Also there were Joh, Raffa, and Alvin. It's been about a year and a half since I last saw Amy and John so it was great getting to catch up with them. It's also cool that Amy got a very well-deserved promotion recently so that provided an additional reason for us to celebrate (not that we needed any :)).

A week later, I met up with Meg in Makati. We had been talking about having dinner for a while now but it was only last week that our schedules matched. We has such an animated conversation that evening, ranging from travel plans and tips to watching concert to politics to our issues with people cutting in line LOL. We had dinner in Calderon in Salcedo Village, the first time I ate there. (I will write in more detail about this in my next post.)

Finally, just this week, I had dinner with Cel and Zaza. While I get to see Zaza quite often, the last time I saw Cel was during the Coldplay concert where we happened to be in the same section of the audience. For the second week in a row, Salcedo Village served as our dinner venue. We met up first in Mazendo where we enjoyed Taiwanese dishes before moving next door to Single Origin Osteria for drinks and dessert. There was a lot of catching up that evening - both Cel and I had started new jobs since we last saw each other - and the discussions went from serious to hilarious, including Cel's very funny celebrity sighting. It was close to midnight when we parted ways and even then, it felt like our time with each other was too short. I guess we need to organize another get-together soon, and hopefully our other friend Doms will be able to join us then.

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