Saturday, December 22, 2018

My Reusable Food Containers

To reduce the waste I produce, I have started using reusable food containers when buying take-out. I realized one day that I was generating so much trash because most of the time, the places I buy food from pack my order in one-time-use containers that are either plastic or cardboard/paper-based. It was then that I decided to start using the reusable plastic containers that I got from previous take-out purchases. Whenever I would order dinner near my place of residence, I would ask the place I was buying food from if they could just pack my order into my reusable plastic containers.

sinigang and rice for dinner in my plastic containers

I was initially thinking of using these plastic containers for lunch as well because I always get my midday meals from the food court in our office building and they always pack my food in plastic bags or plastic boxes. However, I'm not a fan of washing plastic containers because it is quite difficult to get rid of the oil and grease so having to wash plastic containers for both lunch and dinner didn't quite appeal to me. Thus, I decided to buy a couple of glass containers. Glass is so much easier to clean than plastic when it comes to oil and grease. I have now been using these reusable glass containers for all my meals - lunch and dinner.

Bicol Express, string beans, and rice for lunch in my glass container

What's really cool is that many restaurants in my area agree to pack my take-out order in my reusable containers. The vendors at the food court in my office building also know me already and they are very used to serving my lunch order this way. Because of this, I have greatly reduced the waste that I generate. While there is still a lot more I can do to reduce my carbon footprint, I am quite happy that over the years, I have been able to take small steps in the right direction.

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