Thursday, July 04, 2019

Wingspan and More Gaming in 2019

Wingspan is one of the most hyped board games that came out this year. It's been so in-demand that most board game companies in Manila don't have it in stock anymore. Thankfully, my friend Jovan was able to get a copy which we played in my most recent board game night. The objective is to have as many birds live on your board and get them to lay as many eggs. This simplistic explanation makes it sound like a bore but it's actually very interesting and complex, with so many options and ways to win. We played it twice and on the second game, I managed to win with 96.5 points. Cool! I look forward to playing this game again, not only because it's really fun but also because it's very aesthetically pleasing, with beautiful artwork and well-designed game pieces, such as the multi-colored eggs and the bird house dice tray.


I also got to play many other really interesting games for the first time. Treasure Island has players trying to find the treasure that Long John Silver hid somewhere on the island before he escapes his prison and finds his way back to the treasure. Root is an asymmetrical war game where the winning condition of each faction is different. Villainous features six different Disney villains trying to be the most villainous of them all (this game has awesome art and is perfect for Disney fans). Legendary Encounters: The X-Files provides an awesome X-files flavor to this popular deck-building game. Bob Ross: Art of Chill Game requires players to paint popular elements of Bob Ross' many paintings, such as fluffy clouds and happy little trees. :) Finally, I got to try Unlock, which is just like an escape room. This game is so cool that I now want to get my own copy so I can run it with my other friends, even those who don't normally play board games, because I'm pretty sure they will enjoy it.

Treasure Island

One of the more interesting game nights I also had recently was the Scythe night that I organized. I missed playing this game and I hadn't played the expansions that I got so I asked my friends if any of them were interested in a night where we play at least a couple of rounds of Scythe. A good number of them agreed to join. We played only two rounds because people's schedules prevented them from arriving early and by the time the second game was done, most people had to leave. I haven't managed to win in this game but I still absolutely love it and it continues to be in my top 5. I'm now thinking of organizing another Scythe night but hopefully, people can arrive earlier so we can play up to 4 or even 5 rounds LOL.

Also, achievement unlocked: I finally played a game of Legendary where we managed to beat the Mastermind. Making it a bit more serendipitous was the fact that we played it the week that Avengers: Endgame came out. The way we won was also just like what you see in the movies where the heroes win at the very last moment. There was one villain card left, which means we only had one round left. However, we also had one mastermind card left so we had a chance. I had amassed a lot of Captain Marvel cards which, when played together, can inflict a lot of damage, but I wasn't quite sure that I would generate enough attack points to kill the mastermind. I was hopeful because one of the cards in my hand allowed me to draw two more cards. As I drew the two cards, we did the math and I ended up having more than enough attack points to kill the mastermind. Yes! What a nailbiting finale! While I didn't win the game - I was tied for second place - this continues to be one of the highlights of my year for a board gaming standpoint. :)

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