Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Movie Watching 2019 Part 2

Spider-man: Far From Home

I just saw Spider-Man: Far From Home last weekend I absolutely loved it. SPOILER ALERT: stop reading now if you don't want to know more about this film! The movie is set after Avengers: Endgame and I like how this film addresses the difficulties of having half of the population reappear out of nowhere. They coined this phenomenon the "blip" which is when all those living beings who disappeared suddenly reappeared after the Avengers brought them back to life. They were the same age as when they vanished and they practically lost all their belongings. I also found the story to be engaging, exciting, and enjoyable. It was nice to see the conflict that Peter Parker faced as he tried to juggle being a normal teenager and being a superhero who helped save the universe. It was nice seeing the tension and chemistry between Tom Holland as Peter Parker and Zendaya as MJ Watson. While the revelation of Spider-Man's true enemy wasn't all that shocking, it was at this point that the film shifted gears and the intensity went up a few (or even several) notches. Spider-Man ended up facing a challenge of such great magnitude that his strength, resilience, durability, and fighting ability were on full display, proving that he is a very worthy Avenger. I personally think that of the 23 films in the MCU so far, this one has thebest end credits scene. It made me want to see the next film as soon as possible and in fact, after watching the movie, I searched online for the release schedule of the next Spider-Man film (there is no date yet). Spider-Man: Far From Home is definitely one of my favorite films in the MCU.

Toy Story 4

Toy Story 3 seemed like the perfect ending to the Toy Story trilogy so when it was announced that a 4th film was in the works, I had some pretty major reservations. However, I trusted that Pixar wouldn't make a sequel that would ruin what had been accomplished over the years by their flagship series and apart from The Good Dinosaur, there isn't a Pixar film that I didn't like (note that I haven't seen Cars 2). Thankfully, Toy Story 4 turned out to be a very good sequel. SPOILER ALERT: stop reading now if you don't want to know more about this film! There are so many things to like about this movie. It deals with issues on outliving your perceived usefulness. It shows us the struggle we face when the world around us changes and we aren't quite able able to adjust or keep up. I loved how the "antagonist" in this film, Gabby Gabby, was pretty ominous in the first half of the film but didn't turn out to be the evil manipulator we may have initially thought. The filmmakers did a great job showing us how her actions were spurned by her heartbreaking situation and audiences went from having negative feelings about her to rooting for her. Similar to the previous film, there is still a very moving goodbye scene at the end. Toy Story 3 is still my favorite of the tetralogy but the great thing about Tory Story 4 is that it ties into the first three films very well and it moves the story forward and closes it out perfectly.

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