Friday, December 30, 2022

Random Stuff

I just got my New Zealand Badge! Since I started using my Fitbit, I have now walked a total distance of 1,593 kilometers, which is the entire length of New Zealand. This means my daily average is now 7.11 km. Awesome!

My New Zealand Badge

What has helped me get my new badge so shortly after my previous one is all the walking I have been doing this Christmas season. For the last 3 weeks, I was clocking in anywhere between 52 km to 62 km per week. That's because of all the gift shopping, errands, and get-togethers I was attending. It was also on one of my gift-searching and gift-buying days that I got my Trail Shoe badge. This meant that I walked more than 30,000 steps in a day!

My Trail Shoe Badge

I walked so much that day that I actually covered a distance of more than 21 kilometers. That's the distance of a half marathon! As such, it's not surprising that I burned more than 4,000 calories that day. Needless to say, my legs and my feet really hurt after that hahaha.

My best one-day stats on Fitbit

All that walking deserves some good food too. My youngest nephew celebrated his birthday my family decided to throw him a party. We couldn't organize one for him the last two years because of the pandemic but we felt that it was safe enough to do it this year. My cousin Mark and his family were in the Philippines and they were able to join us so it was a bit of a mini family reunion as well.

My nephew's birthday celebration

I got to try Gan Hotpot in Alphaland Makati Place in the Malugay area. Normally, when I go to a hotpot or shabu shabu place with friends, I prepare my own dipping sauce or someone in our group does. This time, the wait staff shared their recommendations of the best sauce for what we ordered and it was quite good. It was the tail-end of the World Cup when I ate there so I had to take a photo of their World Cup-inspired decor.

Gan Hotpot

I also found myself in Estancia one day and I decided to try Hanamaruken Ramen for lunch since I had never eaten there before. It's not at the level of Mendokoro (then again, for me, nothing is), but what I loved about this place is that they had a meal set that included a bowl of ramen, gyoza, and fried rice. I can't remember how much it cost but I did feel it was a sweet deal.

Hanamaruken Ramen

Spotify recently shared analytics on the listening patterns of its users. I was surprised by my results. I was actually one of the top 3% of listeners of The Clash. I don't know if this is just in the Philippines or worldwide. I will be honest though. All those 139 minutes were spent listening to Rock the Casbah over and over again.

I'm in the top 3% listeners of The Clash on Spotify in 2022!

So it's not surprising that my Spotify profile is the Replayer. I stick to the songs I like by the artists I like.

My Spotify listener profile

And which artists did I listen to the most in 2022? It's a pretty eclectic combination: (1) The Clash, (2) Beyonce, (3) Kuh Ledesma, (4) Andrew Garfield, and (5) Florence + The Machine. The top 5 are all from different genres of music and Andrew Garfield makes it to my list because of how frequently I listened to music from Tick, Tick... Boom!

Artists I listened to the most in 2022

And since we're on the topic of entertainment, I finally got to watch a couple of movies I had been interested to see for a while: Pixar's Soul and Disney's Raya and the Last Dragon. I watched both one after the other on Christmas eve and I really enjoyed them. Hopefully, I can find more time to watch more films and shows on the many streaming platforms to which I'm subscribed.

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