Thursday, November 29, 2018

A Couple of Weddings

The 'Ber months are usually the time of year when many people decide to get married. Over the last couple of months, I attended a couple of weddings, on opposite sides of Metro Manila.

I first attending the wedding of my good friend and ex-colleague, AJ and her now-husband Elmer. Her wedding was held in Palazzo Verde, previously Fernbrook Gardens, in Las Pinas. I hadn't met her husband, Elmer, prior to that event so it was really nice seeing the man with whom AJ will spend the rest of her life. It was also a reunion of sorts because dozens of my ex-colleagues were there, many of whom I hadn't seen in a while.

Apart from being able to celebrate with AJ on her special day and being able to catch up with several friends, another highlight was the special game that was conducted right before the reception. The host said that we would play a variation of "name that tune" game: music would be played and the first person who went up to the host, correctly guessed the title of the song, and danced to it, would enable his or her table to go to the buffet table first. Our table was a bit far so I was initially uncertain that I would get to compete for a spot. I somehow managed to do that on the third song - I managed to guess Gentleman by Psy and I naturally tried to dance the proper choreography of the song LOL. Because of this, our table ended up being third to get food, which was great because we were quite hungry by then. :)

The second wedding was of my cousin Twinkle who got married to Mike, whom she had been dating for a while already. The wedding was held at the Santuario de San Jose Parish in Greenhills and the reception was at Oasis Manila in Quezon City. Instructions were given to the guests not to take photos since it would obstruct the photographers from taking great shots but I did manage to take a photo of Twinkle as she entered the church because I was close to the back and wasn't near the aisle where the photographers were.

I'm happy that my grandmother was able to join us despite her difficulty in moving (she got injured earlier this year). Thankfully, we were the first table to get called to the buffet table so we were also the first to have our photo taken with the couple. This was one of the weddings where I didn't stay until the end of the program because my grandmother was tired so we had to bring her home shortly after dinner. Still, I'm happy that we got to join Twinkle on her special day.

I have a couple more weddings to attend in December and I'm looking forward to both of them.

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