Sunday, March 31, 2024

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter Everyone!

Easter display at the Peninsula Manila lobby

Every Lent, I try to follow the traditional practices of sacrifice - abstaining from land-based meat every Friday and fasting on Ash Wednesday and on Good Friday. As such, Easter does tend to be quite the feast for us. I ordered lots of good food for my family (we didn't want to go to a restaurant and try to compete with so many other people trying to get a table so we opted to celebrate at home). I also bought some Easter-themed donuts from Krispy Kreme.

Easter-themed Krispy Kreme donuts

Easter-themed mini-donuts from Krispy Kreme

Before Holy Week, an ad for Paul popped up in my socmed feed. They had Lenten All-Day Breakfast specials for P599. These included a main dish, coffee, and a fancy dessert. That's a really good deal! I decided to have a meal there while the promo was still available and I ended up getting the Salmon Benedict.

Salmon Benedict Lenten set meal at Paul

It also came with an Easter Chocolate Tart.

Chocolate Tart with Easter egg-shaped chocolates

I still can't believe that the whole meal cost me only P599 + service charge. If I total the prices of the individual items, it would be a lot more than the cost of the set. Thankfully, I was able to enjoy it during its limited promo run.

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