Saturday, October 19, 2019


Our department recently organized a bowling team-building event. I was really happy about this because it's been maybe three years or so since I last got to bowl. There were about twenty of us and we were broken up into four teams. Each team would be competing for the highest average score (some groups had only four players). On top of this, a prize for the highest scoring male and the highest scoring female would also be given out.

The last time I bowled, I scored less than a hundred so I wasn't sure how things would turn out. Thankfully, I ended up having a pretty good day. I scored a 137 in my first game...

Game 1

...and a 124 in my second game. I certainly wasn't expecting to get these scores so I was really happy.


What made things even better was that even my teammates got pretty good scores. As a result, our team managed to win the team challenge and take home P500 worth of SM gift certificates each. My first game score of 137 was also the highest score among all the men so I took home an additional P1000 worth of GCs. Cool! So what did I do with my prize? I used it to buy dog food the next day. :)

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