Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Ending the year on a positive note

I took my family to Manila Peninsula for dinner because I had a discount voucher for a meal for four at Old Manila. I took my family here before, about a year ago, and we enjoyed our dining experience here so I thought it would be good to bring them here again during the holidays.

Holiday lights at the Manila Pen lobby

I forgot to take a photo of our menu so I don't know exactly what our dishes were. But to start our evening, we were served a tasty amuse bouche.

Amuse bouche at Old Manila

For my appetizer, I think I had a ravioli with scallops. It looked really nice and it was really good too.

Beautiful ravioli with scallops

A couple of us had a fish dish for our main course...

Fish main course

...while the others got the lamb dish.

Lamb main course (my nephew wanted it medium rare)

We then all had a chocolate dessert served with sorbet.


Before our evening ended, we were served a few petit fours.

Elegantly plated petit fours

Of course, we were served their amazing olive tapenade bread. It is still really good.

An Old Manila favorite: olive tapenade bread

I also had a chance to spend quality time with more family and friends in this last week of the year. I got to have a lovely dinner with my high school friends whom I have now known for the better part of my life.

Christmas feast with my high school friends

We also had a family reunion a couple of days after Christmas. It was made even better by the fact that Tita Susan was home. A couple of other memorable  moments: I won a game where you had to name the TV show or the movie from a song that is played (and I took home P500 because of it haha) and my brother won an air fryer during the raffle. I think that might have been the first time we had a family Christmas party raffle, or at least the first time that we had fancy prizes.

What better way to close out a year than by spending time with the most important people in your life? I'm truly lucky and thankful that I am able to experience such wonderful moments in my life.

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