Friday, February 23, 2007

[SWEDEN] Where the hell is Frosty?

You know, the Snowman? I mean, I thought I was in Winter Wonderland. Unfortunately, I didn't really see him anywhere. Guess that must have explained the lack of jolliness despite the large amounts of snow.

It started snowing lightly but continuously yesterday afternoon. The forecast wasn't good though. Satellite shots in DMI indicated that this red "blob" was initially heading out towards the Baltic Sea and was supposed to miss Sweden completely, but it changed directions last minute and made its way to the south of Sweden. I had a meeting from 430 to 5pm that I didn’t want to skip coz it was with a person who was so hard to get on the phone. By 5pm there were almost no people left in the office.

I step out into the parking lot only to see that the ground has been covered in snow. My car wasn't completely covered in snow yet, but I needed to use my ice scraper to get the ice off the windshield and windows.

Driving in snow was no longer unfamiliar to me so I wasn't all the worried. Up until my windshield started fogging up. Thankfully it's just a 5-km drive. I managed to get through.

On my way to church for Ash Wednesday mass, I realized it was not the best night to go walking around the city. The snowflakes were gritty, like tiny bits of ice. And with the wind blowing really hard, the snowflakes hitting my face, the only part of my body that was exposed, actually hurt. Kinda like when you are in the beach and the wind starts blowing really hard and the sand starts slamming against your skin. Not fun.

Anyway, here's how the streets were last night. Not the best road conditions to be driving on, but still manageable.

And here's how the roads looked this morning, I guess after the snow kept falling all night. Had to make sure I drove a bit more slowly. I also saw a couple of snow plows getting rid of the snow on the streets.

By the end of the day, the snow and ice on the roads had turned into cold, gray, sludgy slush (check out the left side of the picture below)...

Oh and I actually slipped on the frickin' ice! And not the whoops-I-almost-took-a-spill-there kind. I mean the embarrassing, butt-right-smack-on-the-ground kind. I just bought a sandwich and a coke light in can from Subway and was heading back to the hotel when I stepped on a slippery patch with my right foot. I think the laptop on my right shoulder made it difficult for me to regain my balance and the next thing I know, my butt is on the icy sidewalk and my sandwich and coke had slipped out of my hand! And since I involuntarily shouted "Sh*t" when I fell, everyone around me looked my way and saw me sprawled on the ground. How humiliating hahaha! Thank God I had gotten a coke light in can, and that my sandwich and coke were in a plastic bag.

It's supposed to get warmer beginning tomorrow, but in case Lund remains snow-covered by the weekend, I'll try to take more pictures while the sun is up. I bet the park behind my hotel looks really nice now.

This really has been the most snow I've ever seen in my life. My colleague told me this is the most snow that Lund has had for a while. A bit of a hassle really but when I think about it, it really is a great experience.


Alvin said...

Hahaha, I liked the way you described how you slipped coz it happened to me too (except that there was no one to see it). Hopefully it doesn't happen too often =)


make a frosty christian!

make it funky too!