Monday, January 07, 2008

Five pounds

That's what I gained over the holidays. Crap. I've been through so many Christmas seasons in the past but as far as I can tell, this is the only one where I gained weight. Or at least that much weight. Must have been a combination of my lack of exercise as well as an increase in number of get-togethers, parties, and meals I had with family and friends. If I recall correctly, I had something going on with friends or family everyday from December 13 all the way til last Thursday. (Then last weekend, I was fully booked so Friday was my first free day LOL)

I decided to do weights again. But since my wallet and credit cards were still reeling from all the expenses, I decided to forego getting a personal trainer and just asked the gym to make a training plan for me.

My first gym session was last Saturday, and two days later, my body still hurts like hell LOL. Anyways, the plan is for me to keep at it and lose some weight before I start running long distances again. I want to be better trained for the Milo marathon this year, which means starting to train several months before the actual event.

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